An unofficial, SFW free digital fanzine based on the novel "Tiān Guān Cì Fú" written by MXTX, focused on the relationship between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.


This is a free SFW zine dedicated to the relationship between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. The theme will be their relationships between different AUs.


Schedule & Doc InfoApril 24th
Interest Check ResultsApril 24th
Contributors AppsApril 26 - Jun 2nd
Contributors ResultsJune 9th
Check in #1July 12th
Check in #2August 12th
Check in #3September 12th
Final submissionOctober 12th
ReleaseNovember 9th



Hello!~I'm a sleep deprived, coffee addicted, uni student. I'm also 24/7 on discord so I answer fast. My mod experience includes banana fish happy endings zine, midnight gathering halloween zine. Modding: MLB love square zine, Ygo travel zine, Teen wolf anchored zine. You can find me on twitter @Talyawnchstr.


Hello everyone! I am Yo, and I am happy to be bringing this project to life! I’ve modded for 21 zines with 15 fully completed and my graphics/layout experience include “Golden Dearest Volume One & Two A Claudeth Zine”, “Best Friend Squad Wedding A She Ra Zine”, “Seasons of Love A Netteflix Calendar”, “Hold On A Tokka Zine”, "Love Squared A MLB Zine" and projects for real life work! You can find me at Tumblr @tear22 and Twitter @yoyodraws1.


Hi! I'm a poor muso and uni student living on gigs with discord as my social life, and have been spending all my free time devouring TGCF content. Also my first time as a mod for a zine >.< I've run/organised journals for uni before which was fun, so I'm super keen for new experiences here! Find me on AO3/shii_ty


Hello!~ I'm a graphic designer with a really high coffee and tea intake. This is my first time as a mod in a zine, I have been part of zines before as an artist and I used to be the one in charge of my Uni's social medias, tho I'm expecting this to be a bit different. You can find me on Twitter @sorenbun


I'm just a tea hoarding software dev who never finishes wips. This is the first zine I'll be helping to mod! Most of my mod experience is just for general discord servers for gaming, art, etc. I'm more used to being a contributor. You can find me on AO3 @swordsainted


Is hualian the only ship allowed in this zine?
• Our main focus in this zine is hualian and any other ships must be implied and in the background.

Is there any possibility that, if the zine gets a lot of interest, there could be a physical version?
• Unfortunately no, we originally wanted to make this zine for charity, but MXTX doesn't allow people to make a profit off her work.

How many artists and writers are you looking for?
• We will be looking for 30-40 artists, and 15 writers. This number may change depending on the interest for this project.

Do the art and writing we create have to be new or can we reuse a piece?
• All works must be new and created exclusively for the zine. We will allow contributors to post their full work 4 months after the final order has been shipped out.

Can I create traditional art for this project?
• Yes we would love to feature traditional art if given the opportunity during our application process; however we expect the traditional art to also meet our specifications (e.g. scanned in at a 300dpi).

Are we allowed to do NSFW works?
• We will put into consideration making a separate NSFW side zine if there is enough interest. But for the moment it will only be SFW.

If accepted, do I need to join the discord or can I email my updates?
• We do require all accepted contributors to join the discord as it will be our main form of communication.

Do all contributors have to work with different AUs or can there be overlap? Additionally, if there appears to be too much of one or two specific AUs, will contributors be asked to work with a different one?
• Overlap is okay, but if there are too many of the same AU, we will ask people to choose another.

Are there portfolio reviews for this zine?
• Yes, as long as the contributors have a portfolio and they link it on the application sheet, we will review them

Would you consider making a nsfw add-on for +18 contributors?
• We’re considering making a separate zine which will be NSFW, nothing sure though.

Who are the Mods? (more information in Mods section)
• Mod Talya - Head Mod
• Mod Yo - Graphics/Layout
• Mod Shii - General Mod
• Mod Soren - Social Media Mod
• Mod Yujun - General Mod


For Artists:

• You will be asked to submit 3 works and you can use social media posts as your linked work.

• You MUST provide us at least one HUALIAN sample.

• You may submit one NSFW work for the purposes of application provided a short CW is attached; the rest must be SFW.

• Links MUST work or the application will be disqualified without notice.

• Must be fully rendered and be in the style you plan to work with for the zine.

• Traditional is allowed We will be judging on anatomy, coloring, lighting, etc. Keep in mind when submitting we want to see what you plan to create. So please ensure that you upload works with the style you will most likely use for the zine.

For Writers:

• You will need to submit three samples, one of which must be a HUALIAN.

• Each sample should not exceed 6K in word count, i.e. a max of 18K is allowed for the three.

• One sample MUST be a completed work, the remaining two can be a chapter or incomplete.

• You may submit one NSFW work for the purposes of application provided a short CW is attached; the remaining two must be SFW.

• Make sure to link us to your Ao3, Tumblr,, whatever accounts you use.

• Links MUST work or the application will be disqualified. Sample does not have to be a finished fic it can be just a sample or a chapter.

• We will be judging structure (this means if it’s all in big paragraphs, splits for dialogue), the flow of the piece, grammar, spelling, etc. Keep in mind when submitting we want to see what you plan to write and if it will fit our zine.

Work Process:

• It will be required that contributors join the Discord Server since it’s going to be our primary way to contact everyone, from check ins to announcements to everything in between.

• Contributors will be given about 2 ½ months to finish their piece for the project.

• There will be 3 check ins, that are very close together, and a submission date.

Check In Schedules:

First Check In:

•Artist: Sketch is done
•Writers: General summary

Second Check In:

•Artist: Lineart is done and base colours done
•Writers: 50% of Work is done

Third Check In:

•Artist: Most of the rendering is done, just final touch ups.
•Writers: Mostly done, and ready for beta edits.

Final Submission:

•Artist: All work is done, saved as PSD file ready to submit.
•Writers: Final copy is done and has been fully edited.

All check-ins will be submitted via Google forms that will be sent out prior to the check-in. For extensions, we are allowed a max 5 days extension. If an extension is needed, a mod must be contacted prior to the check-in date.

Communication is key to us. If a contributor does not fill out the Google form or get in contact with us for an extension we will assume that they have dropped out and are no longer interested in the project. If a contributor wishes to drop out they must contact a mod so that pinch hitters can be contacted. As for pinchitters, we will do our best to compromise with what they can do to ensure that the work is done in a timely manner without stress.

When it comes time to post up previews and post full pieces, contributors will be required to wait until they are given the go-ahead. WIPs can be posted but only up to 50% and we ask that you tag our social media so that we can share the love! Thank you so much for your interest in the project!


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us through any of our social media platforms!

Release countdown